Bury, P. - Hockicko, P. - Jamnický, I.: Photo-Induced Acoustoelectric Effect in High Resistivity Semiconductors - Methods of Deep Centers Investigation. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress on Acoustics, Rome, Sept 2-7, 2001, Vol. I, p. 158.
An interaction between an acoustic wave and free carriers in interface region of semiconductor structures has been proved to be an effective tool for the experimental investigation of deep centers. In high resistivity and along with photosensitive semiconductors the interface with space charge inhomogenity can be produced by the suitable non-uniform illumination of the sample with the weakly absorbed light. Applying a high frequency external electric field on interface region in proper conditions can then directly generate the longitudinal, transversal or surface acoustic wave. The time development of such generated acoustic wave amplitude is investigated to determine the deep centers parameters. The possibility to detect the deep centers by this way depends, however, on both the type and polarization of generated acoustic wave. In the contribution some experimental procedure is described and deep centers investigation for various generated acoustic waves in high resistivity GaAs sample are presented and compared.
Bury, P. - Jamnický, I. - Jamnický, M. - Hockicko, P.: Acoustic Investigation of Ion Conductive Glasses. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress on Acoustics, Rome, Sept 2-7, 2001, Vol. II, p. 152.
A considerable attention is given to materials with the fast ion transport called solid electrolytes because of the possibility of their application in modern electromechanical devices. While many known crystalline materials with the ability of fast ion transport have the limiting factor of their application in the achievement of requested structural parameters ensuring the high ion conductivity, the ion conductive glasses have several advantages the most important of which are: the absence of grain boundaries, the isotropic properties and the composition variability. The acoustical methods have been proved an effective tool to study the fundamental structural and mechanical properties of the ionic materials and can also significantly contribute to find the fundamental experimental knowledge's about the mechanical properties of the new kinds of ion conductive glasses and determine their relationship with the electrical ones. In the present contribution we have illustrated the coherence between the acoustical and electrical properties of ion conductive glasses of the system CuI-Cu2O-(P2O5+M0O3). The both acoustic and electrical measurements are also utilised to the study of relaxation processes occurring in these ion conductive glasses and to the ion activation energies determination.
Hockicko, P. - Bury, P.: Využitie akustoelektrického javu na svetlom generovanom rozhraní vo vysokoodporových polovodičoch k štúdiu hlbokých centier. Zborník príspevkov z 12. konferencie slovenských fyzikov, Smolenice, 3. - 5. september 2001, s. 98 - 99.
Akustoelektrický jav pozorovaný na svetlom generovanom rozhraní vo vysokoodporovom polovodiči sa môže využívať k štúdiu hlbokých centier vo vysokoodporových polovodičoch [1]. V prípade vysokoodporového GaAs svetlom vytvorená nehomogenita priestorového náboja môže generovať za vhodných podmienok v závislosti na geometrickom usporiadaní vzorky akustickú vlnu. Amplitúda takto generovanej akustickej vlny závisí okrem iného aj na koncentrácii voľných nosičov náboja excitovaných z hlbokých centier na rozhraní medzi osvetlenou a neosvetlenou časťou polovodiča. Ukazuje sa, že rôzne akustické vlny neinteragujú s daným rozhraním rovnako, čo v spojení s technikou akustickej tranzientnej spektroskopie [2] môže poskytnúť dodatočnú informáciu o charaktere hlbokých centier. V príspevku sú prezentované výsledky získané na vysokoodporovom GaAs využitím generácie pozdĺžnej, priečnej a povrchovej akustickej vlny.
[1] P. Bury: Proc. 16 th Int. Congress on Acoustics, Vol. I, Seattle 1998, p 431.
[2] P. Bury, I. Jamnický: acta phys. slovaca 46, (1996) 693.
Jamnický, I. - Bury, P. - Jamnický, M. - Hockicko, P.: Correlation between Electrical and Acoustical Properties of Ion Conductive Glasses. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Applied Physics of Condensed Matter, Liptovský Mikuláš - Demänovská Dolina, 17. - 19. September 2001, p. 89 - 92.
In recent years, the technological interest in fast ionic conductivity in solid materials is increased for various solid-state electrochemical devices. While many known crystalline materials with the ability of fast ion transport have the limiting factor of their application in the achievement of requested structural parameters ensuring the high ion conductivity, the ion conductive glasses have several advantages the most important of which are: the absence of grain boundaries, the isotropic properties and the composition variability easy preparation, their stability and the large available composition ranges. The acoustical methods have been proved an effective tool to study the fundamental structural and mechanical properties of the ionic materials and can also significantly contribute to find the fundamental experimental knowledge's about the mechanical properties of the new kinds of ion conductive glasses and determine their relationship with the electrical ones. In the present contribution we have presented acoustic facilities and illustrated the possible coherence between the acoustical and electrical properties of ion conductive glasses of the system CuI-Cu2O-(P2O5+M0O3).
Hockicko, P. - Bury, P. - Jamnický, I. - Jamnický, M.: Akustické vlastnosti iónovo vodivých skiel. Zborník príspevkov zo 6. medzinárodného koloquia Acoustics '01, Zvolen-Banská Štiavnica, 19. - 22. september 2001, s. 17-19.
V posledných rokoch rastie technologický záujem o iónovú vodivosť v pevných látkach pre ich možné aplikácie v moderných elektromechanických zariadeniach. Zatiaľ čo viaceré známe kryštalické materiály so schopnosťou rýchleho iónového prenosu majú limitované použitie, iónovo vodivé sklá majú niekoľko predností: izotropné vlastnosti a štrukturálna premennosť, absentujú rozhranie zŕn, jednoduchá príprava, stabilita a veľká využiteľnosť. Akustické metódy sa osvedčili ako efektívny nástroj štúdia základných štrukturálnych a mechanických vlastností iónových materiálov a môžu byť dôležitým príspevkom k nájdeniu základných experimentálnych znalostí o mechanických vlastnostiach nových druhov iónovo vodivých skiel a určeniu vzájomného vzťahu s elektrickými vlastnosťami. V predloženom príspevku prezentujeme akustické vlastnosti a ilustrujeme vzájomnú súvislosť medzi akustickými a elektrickými vlastnosťami iónovo vodivých skiel systému CuI-Cu2O-(P2O5+M0O3). Akustické a elektrické merania sú tiež využité k štúdiu uvoľňovacích mechanizmov v iónovo vodivých sklách a zisteniu aktivačnej energie.
Key words: Solid electrolytes; Fast ion transport; Cu+- ion conductive glasses; Relationship between the acoustical and electrical properties.
Bury, P. - Hockicko, P. - Jamnický, M. - Jamnický, I.: Study of Mechanisms of Ion Transport in Ion Conducting Glasses. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Applied Physics of Condensed Matter, Liptovský Mikuláš - Demänovská Dolina, June 19th - 21th, 2002, p. 145 - 150.
In the past twenty years, there has been an increase of interest in ion conductive glasses and their possible future practical application. Comparing with the crystalline materials the ionic glasses has several advantages the most important of which are: the absence of grain boundaries, the isotropic properties and the composition variability. The electrical methods have been already proved an effective tool to study the fundamental transport properties of the ionic materials and the conductivity measurements made over a wide range of frequencies and temperatures can characterise different types of transport mechanisms. The purpose of present work is to compare data obtained by electrical measurement (dc and ac conductivity) of ion conductive glasses of the system CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-(P2O5+M0O3) for different glass composition and study the ionic hopping motion and relaxation processes connected with the charge mobility. Partial attention is paid also to the problem of the role of composition in this system.
Bury, P. - Hockicko, P. - Jamnický, M. - Jamnický, I.: Acoustic Properties of Ion Conductive Glasses in the System CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-(P2O5+MoO3) Proceedings of the 32nd International Acoustical Conference - European Acoustics Association (EAA) Symposium "ACOUSTICS BANSKÁ ŠTIAVNICA 2002" September 10 - 12, 2002, p. 67 - 70.
The technological interest in fast ionic conductivity in solid materials is increased for various solid state electrochemical devices. Apart from some crystalline materials, the high ionic conductivity at room temperature has been observed in some ion conducting glasses. Comparing with the crystalline materials the ion conductive glasses have several advantages the most important of which are: the absence of grain boundaries, the isotropic properties and the composition variability. The acoustical methods have been already proved an effective tool to study the fundamental structural and mechanical properties of the ionic materials and can also significantly contribute to the fundamental experimental knowledge about the mechanical properties of the new kinds of ion conductive glasses and to the determination of their relationship with the electrical ones. In the present contribution we have illustrated the possible relation between the acoustical and electrical properties of ion conductive glasses of the system CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-(P2O5+MoO3) for different glass composition. The both acoustical and electrical measurements are also utilized to the study of relaxation processes occurring in these fast ion conductive glasses and to the ion activation energy determination.
Bury, P. - Hockicko, P. - Rampton, V. W.: Acoustic Investigation of Optically Induced Deep Centers in GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures. Proceedings of the 3RD International Workshop on Solid State Surface and Interfaces (SSSI) III, Smolenice Castle, November 19 - 21, 2002, p. 72 - 73,
Acta Physica Slovaca 53 (2003) 189
The acoustoelectric interaction between a longitudinal acoustic wave and heterojunctions is used to investigate the deep centers in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures. The acoustoelectric response generated by the interface when acoustic wave propagates through the heterostructure reflects any changes in the charge distribution, connected also with the charged traps. The time developments of the acoustoelectric response after an optical excitation pulse reflect then relaxation processes associated with the thermal recombination of excited carriers moving towards their equilibrium state. The measured signal that is proportional to the nonequilibrium carrier density in the interface regions and can be used to the determination of activation energy and corresponding cross-section of deep centers. Planar GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures with both two dimensional electron system (2 DES) and two dimensional hole system (2 DHS) were investigated by optically induced acoustic deep-level transient spectroscopy (OI A-DLTS). The method of computer evaluation of isothermal acoustoelectric transients was used in the A-DLTS technique. Several deep centers were found and their parameters were determined.
Hockicko, P. - Bury, P. - Jamnický, M. - Jamnický, I.: Study of Mixed Cation Effect in Ion Conductivity Glasses Using Electrical Conductivity Spectra. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Applied Physics of Condensed Matter, Malá Lučivná, June 11- 13, 2003, p. 174 - 178.
The acoustical and electrical methods have been already proved to be an effective tool for studying the fundamental structural, mechanical and also transport of the ionic materials. Thus we can determine the relationship between mechanical and electrical properties of the new kinds of ion conductive glasses. In the contribution we present both the data obtained by electrical measurement ( and a.c. conductivity) and acoustical measurement (acoustical attenuation) of ion conductive glasses of the system CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-P2O5 for different glass composition and outline the possible relation between its acoustical and electrical properties. The expected mixed cation effect in the electrical conductivity and acoustical attenuation spectra of several systems of CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-P2O5 that differ by the concentration of its components ion conductivity glasses is identified and their interrelation is analyzed. We observe characteristic effects in frequency response of the complex electrical conductivity and in the magnitudes of acoustic attenuation.
Bury, P. - Jamnický, I. - Hockicko, P.: Acoustoelectric investigation of deep centers in bulk and multilayered semiconductors Komunikácie / Communications - Vedecké listy Žilinskej Univerzity / Scientific letters of the University of Žilina 2/2003, EDIS Žilina, s. 5 - 13.
Two basic versions of the acoustic deep-level transient spectroscopy (A-DLTS) technique based on the acoustoelectric effect resulting from the interaction between an acoustic wave and interfaces have been used to study deep centers in semiconductor structures. The former uses the high frequency transverse acoustoelectric signal (TAS) arising from the interaction of surface acoustic wave electric field and free carriers at the structure interfaces. The latter uses an acoustoelectric response signal (ARS) produced by the structure interface when a longitudinal acoustic wave propagates through the structure. An additional version of A-DLTS uses the acoustoelectric effect on light beam generated interface in high resistivity and along with photosensitive semiconductors. Planar Si MIS structure and GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure capacitors and high resistivity GaAs were investigated by these versions of the A-DLTS technique. Several deep centers were found and their activation energies and corresponding cross-sections determined. Both the appearance of some A-DLTS peaks and the shift of practically all peaks of the A-DLTS spectra with increasing bias voltage in investigated structures can be considered to be the characteristic features of interface states. The polarization and the propagation direction of acoustic waves generated on the light beam produced interface appears as important condition of detected deep centers.
Hockicko, P. - Bury, P. - Jamnický, M. - Jamnický, I.: Contribution of Acoustic Spectroscopy to Understanding of Transport Mechanisms in Fast Ion Conductive Glasses Proceedings of the 7th International Colloquium ACOUSTICS '03, Zvolen - Šachtičky, September 4 - 5, 2003, p. 15 - 18.
The acoustical methods have been proved as an effective tool for studying the fundamental structural and mechanical properties of the ionic materials and can also significantly contribute to finding the fundamental experimental knowledge about the transport mechanisms of the new kinds of ion conductive glasses and determine their relationship with the electrical ones. In this contribution we present results of acoustical investigation of ion conductive glasses of the system CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-(P2O5+M0O3) with different composition of glass samples measured at various frequencies and wide temperature range. The possible coherence between the acoustical and electrical properties is illustrated, too.
Hockicko, P.: E-learning v procese fyzikálneho vzdelávania. Zborník príspevkov zo 4. celoslovenskej konferencie Infovek, Spišská Nová Ves 5. - 8. november 2003, ÚIPŠ - Ústav informácií a prognóz školstva - INFOVEK, Staré Grunty 52, Bratislava 2004, str. 273 - 281, ISBN 80-7098-381-7
V súčasnej dobe, v ktorej študenti pociťujú nedostatok odbornej literatúry a kvalitná zahraničná literatúra je pre nich (niekedy aj pre samotných pedagógov) stále cenovo nedostupná, sa elektronické vzdelávanie javí ako efektívna metóda štúdia, ktorá je prístupná pre všetkých študentov a nevyžaduje z ich strany takmer žiadne vstupné náklady. Jedinou podmienkou je neobsadený počítač s nainštalovaným a fungujúcim prehliadačom html, php a ďalších dokumentov v priestoroch knižnice alebo PC centra školy či univerzity. Otázkou však ostáva, či študent čas strávený pri počítači venuje hre, zábave alebo získavaniu pre neho potrebných informácií. Je úlohou nás pedagógov, aby sme správnou motiváciou a zadávaním vhodných projektov viedli študentov nielen k získavaniu informácií, ale aj k tvorivému zhodnoteniu a uplatňovaniu nadobudnutých poznatkov v praxi. Predkladaný príspevok informuje o nadobudnutých skúsenostiach pri zadávaní projektov z fyziky pre študentov Žilinskej Univerzity, ktoré sú sprístupnené na adrese http://hockicko.utc.sk/semestralky/index.html.
At the present time, when the students experience absence of technical literature and the high quality foreign literature is for them (sometimes even for the pedagogue) inaccessible because of its price, the e-learning appears to be an effective method of studying that is accessible to all students at almost no cost. The only condition is an unoccupied computer with an installed and functioning browser html, php and other documents in the library or in the PC center of the school or university. A question is remaining though whether the student spends the time at the computer playing games or having fun or obtaining for him so necessary information. It is the task of us pedagogues to lead the students by means of the right motivation and by setting suitable projects, not only to the obtaining of new pieces of information, but also to the creative valuation and application of the obtained knowledge in practice. The present contribution informs about the acquired experience with setting of projects in physics to the students at the University of Žilina that can be accessed at the address http://hockicko.utc.sk/semestralky/index.html.
Hockicko, P.: Využívanie e-learningu pri výuke fyziky. Zborník príspevkov z 3. medzinárodného seminára E-learn04 , Žilina 3. - 4. február 2004, s. 115 - 124. ISBN 80-8070-190-3
Elektronické vzdelávanie sa v súčasnej dobe, v ktorej študenti pociťujú nedostatok odbornej literatúry, javí ako efektívna metóda štúdia prístupná pre všetkých. Jedinou podmienkou je prístup k funkčnému počítaču. Je však otázne, či študent čas strávený pri počítači venuje hre, zábave alebo získavaniu pre neho potrebných informácií. Úlohou nás pedagógov by malo byť, aby sme správnou motiváciou a zadávaním vhodných projektov viedli študentov nielen k získavaniu potrebných vedomostí a informácií, ale aj k tvorivému zhodnoteniu a uplatňovaniu nadobudnutých poznatkov v praxi. Predkladaný príspevok informuje o skúsenostiach pri využívaní e-skrípt Fyzika I, e-materiálov pri štúdiu fyziky a tvorbe projektov so študentmi FRI Žilinskej Univerzity na detašovanom pracovisku v Ružomberku, ktoré sú sprístupnené na adrese http://hockicko.utc.sk/semestralky/index.html.
At the present time, when the students experience absence of technical literature, the e-learning appears to be an effective method of studying that is accessible for all. The only condition is computer access. A question is remaining though whether the student spends the time at the computer playing games or having fun or obtaining for him so necessary information. It should be the task of us pedagogues to lead the students by means of the right motivation and by setting suitable projects, not only to the obtaining of the new pieces of information, but also to the creative valuation and application of the obtained knowledge in practice. The present contribution informs about the experience with using e-book Physics I and e-materials in studying physics and also with creating e-projects in physics with the students of Faculty of management science and Informatics at the University of Žilina at the campus FRI in Ružomberok that can be accessed at the http://hockicko.utc.sk/semestralky/index.html.
Bury, P. - Hockicko, P. - Jamnický, M. - Jamnický, I.: On The Relation Between Electrical And Acoustical Properties of Ion Conductive Glasses. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 2/2003, No. 3-4, p. 16 - 23.
V posledných rokoch je zvýšený technologický záujem o sklenené materiály s vysokou hodnotou iónovej vodivosti a to pre rôzne tuhé elektrochemické súčiastky, ako sú tuhé batérie, elektrochronické displeje a senzory. Sklá s iónovou vodivosťou majú v porovnaní s kryštalickými materiálmi niekoľko výhod vyplývajúcich z ich ľahkej prípravy, ich stability, veľkého rozsahu možného zloženia a primeranej ceny. Je známe, že skúmanie vodivostných spektier iónových skiel môže odrážať základné rysy relaxačných a transportných mechanizmov pohyblivých iónov a že vysoká iónová vodivosť pri izbovej teplote je najdôležitejším kritériom, ktoré by mali spĺňať sklá s iónovou vodivosťou. Avšak relaxačné transportné mechanizmy môžu byť skúmané aj akustickými metódami, ktoré v porovnaní s elektrickými môžu mať určité výhody, ako je vysoká citlivosť, nepodstatná úloha kontaktov a pod. V tomto príspevku predkladáme niektoré elektrické a akustické vlastnosti skiel pripravených v sústave zloženia CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-(P2O5+MoO3). Hlavným cieľom príspevku je vyšetriť mechanizmy transportu iónov v týchto sklách s výraznou iónovou vodivosťou a určiť súvis medzi elektrickými a akustickými vlastnosťami pri uvážení ich rôzneho zloženia. Tak elektrické ako i akustické merania sa využívajú súčasne k štúdiu relaxačných procesov v sklách a k určeniu aktivačných energií iónov.
The technological interest in fast ionic conductivity in glassy materials is increased in last years for various solid state electrochemical devices such as solid-state batteries, electrochronic displays, and sensors. The ion conductive glasses have several advantages comparing with crystalline materials because of their easy preparation, their stability, the large available composition ranges and reasonable cost.It is known that the investigation of conductivity spectra of ionic glasses can reflect the basic features of the relaxation and transport mechanisms of the mobile ions and the high ion conductivity at room temperature is the most important criterion which should be meet the fast ion conductive glasses. However, the relaxation and transport mechanisms can be investigated also by acoustic methods, that can have some advantages comparing to electrical ones as the high sensitivity, absence of contact phenomena and so on. In the contribution we present some electrical and acoustical properties of glasses prepared in the system CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-(P2O5+MoO3. The main purpose of the contribution is to contribute to the investigation of ion transport mechanisms in these fast ion conductive glasses and to determine the relation between electrical and acoustical properties considering the various glass compositions. The both electrical and acoustical measurements are also utilized to the study of relaxation processes occurring in these glasses and to the ion activation energies determination.
Bury, P. - Hockicko, P. - Jamnický, M. - Jamnický, I.: What Do Acoustical Properties About The Mechanisms of Ion Transport Processes in Glassy Electrolytes. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress on Acoustics, 4-9 April 2004, Kyoto, Vol. II, p. 1137-1140. ISBN4-9901915-6-0
A considerable interest is given in experimental study of glassy with the fast ion transport because they play an important role in a number of modern electrochemical devices, such as solid-state batteries, electrochronic displays, and sensors as well as for fundamental interest in their ion transport mechanisms. It is known that the investigation of electrical conductivity spectra of ionic glasses can reflect the basic features of the relaxation and transport mechanisms of the mobile ions. However, the transport mechanisms can be investigated also by acoustic methods, that can have some advantages comparing to electrical ones as the high sensitivity, absence of contact phenomena and so on In the contribution we present some acoustical properties of glasses prepared in the system Cu-CuBr-Cu2O-P2O5 containing Cu+ conductive ions. The ion transport mechanisms in these fast ion conductive glasses is investigated and the relation between acoustical and electrical properties considering the various glass compositions is determined. The both acoustical and electrical measurements are also utilized to the ion activation energy determination.
Hockicko, P. - Bury, P. - Jurečka, S. - Jamnický, M. - Jamnický, I.: Analysis of Acoustic Spectra Reflecting Ion Transport processes in Glassy Electrolytes. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Elektro 2004 connected with the 5th International Conference New Trends in Diagnostics and Repairs of Electrical Machines and Equipments, Žilina May 25-26 2004, Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2004) 243-246. ISSN 1336-1376
The investigation of acoustic spectra in ion conductive glasses with different composition can reflect the basic features of the relaxation and transport processes of the mobile ions. It was found that the temperature responses of all acoustic spectra are very similar and the relaxation peaks associated with ion transport depend on the glass composition. Experimental and theoretical aspects of acoustic attenuation measurements in ion conductive glasses of the system CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-P2O5 are reviewed. Theoretical studies of acoustic spectra due to the ionic hopping motion and relaxation processes connected with the mobility of Cu+ conductive ions are compared with experimental results and some attempts to fit the acoustic attenuation spectra are accomplished.
Hockicko, P. - Jurečka, S. - Bury, P. - Jamnický, M. - Jamnický, I.: The Acoustic Attenuation Theoretical Models for the Ion Conductive Glasses. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Applied Physics of Condensed Matter, Častá-Píla, June 16-18, 2004, p. 96 - 99. ISBN 80-227-2073-9
The experimental study of transport mechanisms in glassy electrolytes with fast ion transport attracts the considerable interest for its important role in a number of modern electrochemical devices. Acoustical measurements can characterize different relaxation processes in the ion conductive glasses and seem to be a useful technique for nondestructive investigation of transport mechanisms in conductive glasses even with some advantages compared to the electrical measurements. The distinctive peaks of acoustic attenuation spectra which are caused by resonant interaction with the mobile ion hopping processes enable us then to study relaxation and transport mechanisms in the ion conductive glasses.
Bury, P. - Jamnický, M. - Hockicko, P. - Jamnický, I.: Transport Mechanismus Study of Glassy Electrolytes Using Acoustic Attenuation and Conductivity Spectroscopy. Proceedings of the Norbert Kreidl Memorial Conference "Building the Bridges between Glass Science and Glass Technology", June 23 - 26, 2004, Trenčín, Glastech. Ber. Glass Sci. Technol. Vol. 77 C (2004) 354 - 358. ISSN 0946-7475, ISBN 3-921089-35-2
A particular attention is paid to the experimental study of transport mechanisms in glassy materials with the fast ion transport that play an important role in a number of modern electrochemical devices. The investigation of conductivity spectra of ionic glasses is the basic tool for transport mechanisms study. However, the acoustic attenuation measurement is another very useful technique for non-destructive investigation of transport mechanisms in conductive glasses that can have even some advantages comparing to electrical ones. In the contribution we present both acoustic and conductivity spectra of new phosphate glasses containing Cu+ conductive ions in the system CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-P2O5 with respect to investigate ion transport mechanisms and to determine the relation between acoustical and electrical properties considering the various glass compositions.
Hockicko, P. - Bury, P. - Jurečka, S. - Jamnický, M. - Jamnický, I.: Acoustic Spectroscopy Investigation of Ion Conductive Glasses of the System CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-P2O5. Proceedings of the 8th International Colloquium ACOUSTICS '04, Zvolen, September 8 - 10, 2004, p. 25 - 29. ISBN 80-228-1359-1
The relaxation and transport mechanisms of ionic glasses that reflect the basic features of the mobile ions can be investigated by acoustic spectroscopy that can have even some advantages comparing to electrical investigation represented by conductivity spectroscopy. In the contribution we present some acoustical and electrical properties of glasses in the system CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-P2O5. The both acoustical and electrical measurements are utilized to the study of transport mechanisms and relaxation processes occurring in these glasses and some physical parameters characterizing the transport mechanisms are determined. Coherence between the acoustical and electrical properties is discussed, too.
Bury, P. - Hockicko, P. - Jurečka, S. - Jamnický, M.: Analysis of Acoustic Attenuation Spectra Due to Ion Transport Processes in Glassy Electrolytes. Physica Status Solidi (c), No. 11, 2888-2891 (2004)
An acoustic attenuation spectroscopy as a powerful technique is used to study the relaxation processes in phosphate glasses containing Cu+ conductive ions of the system CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-P2O5 with respect to ion transport mechanisms. The acoustic attenuation spectra exhibit several distinctive peaks, corresponding to transport mechanisms originating from the different kinds of sites responsible for ionic hopping. The experimental results of acoustic spectra are then analysed in connection with the frequency response, the activation energy at spectra peaks and the peak intensities using theoretical models and suitable mathematical procedure for the simulations to fit the experimental data.
Hockicko, P. - Bury, P. - Jurečka, S. - Jamnický, M. - Jamnický, I.: The Investigation of Transport Processes in Ion Conductive Glasses Using Acoustical and Electrical Spectroscopy. Proceedings of the conference New Trends in Physics - NTF 2004, Brno, Czech Republic, November 11-12, 2004, p. 40-43, ISBN 80-7355-024-5
A considerable interest is given in experimental study of glassy materials with the fast ion transport because they play an important role in a number of modern electrochemical devices. The relaxation and transport mechanisms in ion conductive glasses can be investigated by both acoustical spectroscopy and electrical investigation represented by conductivity spectroscopy. In the contribution we present some acoustical and electrical measurements utilized in the study of transport mechanisms and relaxation processes occurring in these glasses and some physical parameters are determined. Coherence between the acoustical and electrical properties is discussed, too.
Hockicko, P.: The Computer Supported Teaching and Studying Physics. Proceedings of the International conference New Trends in Physics - NTF 2004, Brno, Czech Republic, November 11-12, 2004, p. 296-299, ISBN 80-7355-024-5
The present paper informs about the experience with using computers, multimedial CD-ROM and the World Wide Web in physic practicing and individual studying of the students. The opinions of the students and their experience with this way of teaching when mainly the student's individual or group creative activity is accentuated can help in increasing the effectivity of the teaching process. The contribution can also serve to the teachers as a motivation to diversify and enliven the teaching process in physics and in this way to help in the cognitive process to the students to whom, as resulted from a survey, the physics lectures appear often as tedious or boring.
Hockicko, P. - Bury, P. - Jurečka, S. - Jamnický, M. - Jamnický, I.: Analysis of Conductivity Spectra in Ionic Phosphate Glasses. Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Applied Physics of Condensed Matter, Malá Lučivná, June 15-17, 2005, p. 239-242, ISBN 80-8070-411-2
The frequency dependence of electrical conductivity of many solids including glasses, polymers and crystals is usually described by the so called “universal law” or “universal dynamic response” and consists of a frequency independent and strongly frequency dependent components. Everybody seems to agree that ionic conduction in glasses, at least in the dc regime and in the ac regime at not too high frequencies, is due to hopping of ions between localized states in the glass matrix. However, the mechanism of such hopping is the subject of many controversies. Several models were proposed to explain this behaviour. The non-Debye character of the relaxation is due to the fact that the time constant of the back-hop process increases as time process. This assumption leads to the frequency dependence of conductivity in the low frequency range while a plateau should be observed in the high temperature region. In contribution we present an analysis of the electrical spectra of representative samples of phosphate glasses containing Cu+ conductive ions in the system CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-P2O5 with the purpose to study the ion transport mechanisms in these fast ion conductive glasses. Theoretical studies of electrical spectra due to the ionic hopping motion and relaxation processes connected with the mobility of Cu+ conductive ions are compared with experimental results.
Bury, P. - Hockicko, P. - Jamnický, I. - Jamnický, M.: Acoustic and Electrical Behavour of Some Ionic Phosphate Glasses. Proceedings of the 15th Conference of Slovak and Czech Physicists, 5-8 September 2005, Košice, p. 43-44, ISBN 80-969124-2-9
Dynamic processes in glassy materials with fast ionic conduction are extremely important since the ion transport significantly affects their practical performance. Electrical and mechanical (acoustic) spectroscopy are two of the most common methods for the characterization of dynamic processes. In this contribution the acoustic and electrical relaxation processes are compared on identical ionic phosphate glasses of the system CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-P2O5 containing Cu+ ions. Several distinctive peaks in the acoustic attenuation spectra corresponding to different kinds of sites responsible for ionic hopping were exhibited. Electrical conductivity spectra including dc and ac measurements representing at least two conductivity regimes and several transport mechanisms were observed, too. Both the acoustic and electrical measured data were analyzed using suitable model representations.
Tarjányiová, G. - Hockicko, P.: Skúsenosti a tredny vo využívaní inovatívnych postupov vo výučbe prírodovedných predmetov na ZŠ realizovaných v rámci Detskej univerzity EF ŽU 2005. Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedecko-odbornej konferencie Učiteľ prírodovedných predmetov na začiatku 21. storočia, Prešov, 19. - 20. 1. 2006, s. 58 - 62, ISBN 80-8068-462-6
The first year of the "Children University" at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Zilina was organized during the summer holiday. The aim of the "holiday studying" was to attend lectures and laboratory exercises in natural sciences, which were realized by University educationists in an unusual way. The topics of lectures were based on the professional activities of particular lecturers but they were tailored to the age and the interests of children. On the contrary to the classical way of studying at the elementary school, children were active participants in these lectures and they worked individually and creatively during laboratory exercises.
Aby sa zvýšil záujem žiakov o prírodovedné predmety, je potrebné inovovať výučbový proces. Jednou z možností je rozvíjať predstavivosť a tvorivosť detí využívaním výpočtovej techniky a samostatnou experimentálnou činnosťou.
Hockicko, P. - Bury, P. - Jamnický, M. - Jamnický, I.: Dielectric Spectroscopy of Ionic Glasses of the System CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-P2O5. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference Elektro 2006, Žilina May 23-24 2006, Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 1-2 (2006), 341-343. ISSN 1336-1376
We have used dielectric relaxation spectroscopy to measure frequency and temperature dependence of complex dielectric functions of ion conductive glasses of the system CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-P2O5. The observation, analysis and interpretation of the temperature and frequency dependences of real and imaginary part of the dielectric permittivities can reflect the basic features of the relaxation and transport processes of the mobile ions. The experimental results are analyzed, discussed and compared with both acoustic and conductivity spectra measurements.
Hockicko, P. - Bury, P. - Sidor, P. - Jamnický, M.: Correlation Between Acoustic and Dielectric Spectroscopy in Ion Conductive Glasses. Proceedings of the 33rd International Acoustical Conerence - EAA Symposium, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, October 4th-6th 2006, p. 65-68. ISBN 80-228-1673-6
An acoustic attenuation spectroscopy is known as a powerful technique to study the relaxation processes in condensed matter. The correlation between the acoustic and dielectric spectra of ion conductive glasses of the system CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-P2O5 is studied here to investigate the basic features of the relaxation and transport processes in phosphate glasses containing Cu+ conductive ions. The temperature responses of acoustic attenuation, electrical conductivity and dielectric permittivity are associated with ion transport and depend on the glass composition. Experimental aspects of acoustic and dielectric spectroscopy in ion conductive glasses are reviewed, too. Results obtained from acoustic attenuation and electrical (both dc and ac) conductivity measurements are then compared each other. The coupling between individual relaxation processes identified by different methods in investigated glasses can have important theoretical and practical implications.
Tarjányiová, G. - Hockicko, P.: Detská univerzita EF ŽU 2005 z pohľadu detí, rodičov a pedagógov, Matematika Informatika Fyzika (28) XV. ročník, Metodicko-pedagogické centrum Prešov, 2006, s. 117-122. ISSN 1335-7794
Článok popisuje priebeh, význam a hodnotenie Detskej univerzity EF ŽU 2005 z pohľadu detí, rodičov a pedagógov. Porovnáva klasický pedagogický prístup na ZŠ a inovatívny realizovaný na DU.
Hockicko, P., Tarjányiová, G., Jamnický, I.: Zvyšovanie efektívnosti vyučovacieho procesu, Zborník abstraktov a príspevkov z XV. Medzinárodnej konferencie DIDFYZ 2006 Rozvoj schopností žiakov v prírodovednom vzdelávaní, Račkova dolina 2006, Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre (2007) na CD, ISBN 978-80-8094-082-9
Vo všeobecnosti možno konštatovať, že úroveň vedomostí z fyziky študentov prichádzajúcich študovať na Elektrotechnickú fakultu ŽU je z roka na rok nižšia. Je to stav, ako možno konštatovať aj z rozhovorov s ostatnými kolegami, sa netýka len jednej vysokej školy, ale je pozorovateľný aj na ostatných vysokých školách technického zamerania. Je len veľmi málo možností zo strany nás ako vysokoškolských učiteľov, aby sme tento stav vstupných vedomostí študentov prichádzajúcich študovať na vysokú školu zmenili. Čo však môžeme ovplyvniť, je úroveň vedomostí, jednak chýbajúcich zo strednej školy a taktiež tých, ktoré nadobudnú študenti počas semestra. Tento príspevok by mal byť akýmsi podnetom pre rozpútanie diskusie, akou formou vzdelávania, metódami či vyučovacími postupmi je možné dosiahnuť čo najlepší stav vedomostí študentov na konci semestra.
Hockicko, P. - Tarjányiová, G. - Dirner, A.: Podnety pre tvorbu e-študijných materiálov s využitím multimédií vo fyzikálnom vzdelávaní, Zborník príspevkov z eLearn 2007, Žilina 5. - 6. február 2007, s. 241 - 246. ISBN 978-80-8070-645-6
Intense development of information and communication technologies (ICT) changes the potential of education. ICT became an obvious part of education in our schools. This article deals with the analysis of using ICT in physics education and the opinions and experience of students with using this form of studying which can help the lecturer to increase the effectivity of the teaching process. The paper also gives a short account about the role of multimedia in developing imagination and thinking of students.
Hockicko, P., Bury, P., Jamnický, I., Jamnický, M.: Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy of Thermal Activated Processes in Ion Conductive Glasses, Proceedings of the conference New Trends in Physics NTF 2007, Brno (2007) 39-42. ISBN 978-80-7355-078-3
Analyzing the temperature and frequency dependences of real and imaginary part of the dielectric permittivities we can study ionic hopping motion and the transport mechanisms connected with the charge mobility in ion conductive glasses. The experimental results getting from electric measurements are analyzed, discussed and compared with acoustic measurements. Coherence between the results from distinctive peaks of loss tangent and acoustic attenuation spectra which are caused by resonant interaction of acoustic waves with the mobile ions enable us to suppose that the same mechanisms can influence electrical and acoustical losses in ion conductive glasses.
Hockicko, P., Jurečka, S.: Frequency Analysis of Sound of Animals, Proceedings of the conference New Trends in Physics NTF 2007, Brno (2007) 300-303, ISBN 978-80-7355-078-3
A harmonic sound is made from a fundamental harmonic or a series of harmonics. A non-periodic sound can be considered as periodic with an infinitely large period and because of that it can be described as an infinite sum of components whose frequencies are infinitely close. To fully describe such sound, it is necessary to specify the level and the frequency of each component. This can be done by using the Fourier transform. Frequency analysis is a technique used to determine the values of dominant frequencies from the measured signal. In this article we demonstrate, how we can use the frequency analysis for the demonstration and the motivation of the study of Physics (especially Acoustics) on every level of school system. Using this analysis the frequency characteristics of sounds of animals can be determined.
Hockicko, P., Bury, P., Sidor, P., Jamnický, I., Jurečka, S., Jamnický, M.: Modeling of acoustic attenuation spectra of ion conductive glasses, Proceedings of 16th Conference of Slovak Physicists, 10-13 September 2007, Žilina, pp. 81-82, ISBN 978-80-969124-5-2
Ion conductive glasses have attracted attention during last few decades due to their potential usage in a number of modern electrochemical devices such as solid-state batteries (mobile telephones and laptop, portable batteries for heart pacemaker), electrochemical sensors, solid-oxide fuel cells and oxygen-separation membranes. Phosphate glasses containing Cu+ conductive ions as one of the possible perspective ionic materials are good ionic conductors with the conductivity of 10-5 to 10-3 Scm-1 at room temperature. Modified phosphate glasses with different cuprous halides and glass forming systems were prepared in various compositions for the study of basic features of the relaxation and transport processes in these materials, especially mixed anion effect and effect of mixing glass forming oxide. Acoustic spectroscopy is a powerful technique for the study of sub-Tg relaxations in glasses due to a strong acousto-ionic interaction. The investigated glasses can be classified as glasses which contain one type of cation Cu+ and various kinds of phosphate structural units, from discrete to polymeric anions. Several relaxation peaks in the acoustic attenuation spectra corresponding transport mechanisms connected with several structural units were observed. The measured acoustic spectra are analyzed using Double Power Law function which gave the best agreement in comparison with Debye or Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts functions.
Hockicko, P.: Interaktívne riešenie fyzikálnych úloh využitím dostupných webovských aplikácií, Zborník príspevkov eLearn 2008, Žilina (2008), 66 -71, ISBN 978-80-8070-838-2
This contribution informs on the experience acquired on the solving of physical problems using information and communication technologies (ICT). The real live situation is regarded and analyzed as a physical problem. The computer analysis of this recorded situation enables to collect some interesting physical information. Some web applications and programs can help us to simplify the study and to calculate some physical quantities. This method is suitable for students on all school systems on different levels.
Hockicko, P., Sidor, P., Bury, P., Kúdelčík, J., Jamnický, I.: Modeling of A-DLTS spectra of MOS structures, Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 7 No. 1-2 (2008), 373-376, ISSN 1336-1376
Acquisition of basic characteristic of defects has become possible through a wide class of measurement techniques which probe the interface, the near interface, as well as the bulk of semiconductor. Results presented here are based essentially on the acoustic version of Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (A-DLTS) measurements. This method is based on the acoustoelectric response effect observed at the interface. The A-DLTS uses the acoustoelectric response signal (ARS) produced by MOS structure interface when a longitudal acoustic wave propagates through a structure. The ARS is extremely sensitive to external conditions of the structure and reflects any changes in the charge distribution connected with charged traps. The temperature dependence of ARS after bias voltage step application is investigated and the activation energies and some other parameters of traps at the insulator - semiconductor interface are determined. The results getting form Arrhenius plots of A-DLTS spectra of selected MOS structures are compared with results obtained from modeling of A-DLTS spectra using theoretical model.
Sidor, P., Bury, P., Hockicko, P.: Determination of Interface Trap Density in MOS Structures Using Acoustoelectric Response, Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on APCOM, Bystrá (2008)
It is well known that the interface traps at the Si–SiO2 interface in the MOS (metal– oxide–semiconductor) structures play an important role in determining several characteristics of electronic devices ulitizing this structure. In recent years there has been an increased interest to find an accurate modelling and characterization of interface traps through the band gap, mostly using capacitance and conductance methods. The measurement of acoustoelectric response (AER) of the MOS structure as a function of the gate bias voltage can be another method determining the energy distribution through the investigated MOS structure. The AER signal produced by MOS structure traversed by a longitudinal acoustic wave is namely extremely sensitive to any changes in the space charge distribution in the interface region of the MOS structure. In this contribution, the first attempt to describe both the model for simulating the AER dependence on the external bias voltage (Uac0 - VG curve) and the model describing the interface state distribution is presented.
Bury, P., Hockicko, P., Jamnický, M.: Transport and Relaxation Study of Ionic Phosphate Glasses, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 39-40 (2008), pp 111-116, ISBN 0-87849-387-5, ISBN-13 978-0-87849-387-6
Dynamic processes in glassy materials with ionic conductivity are extremely important since the ion transport significantly affects their practical performance. Conductivity measurement and dielectric relaxation spectroscopy are powerful techniques that reflect the essential features of the transport and relaxational dynamics of the mobile ions that encounter different kinds of site and ionic hopping motion connected with charge mobility. Acoustic spectroscopy is another technique for the study of relaxations in glasses. In this contribution the acoustic and electrical relaxation processes are compared on identical ionic phosphate glasses of the systems Cu-CuBr-Cu2O-P2O5 and CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-P2O5-MoO3 containing Cu+ ions. The acoustic attenuation spectra indicate various relaxation processes and at least two conductivity regimes of transport mechanisms were observed. Both the acoustic and electrical measured data were analyzed using suitable model representations.
Hockicko, P.: Frekvenčná analýza zvukov, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium, Zvolen (2008), pp. 53-56, ISBN 978-80-228-1911-4
The Children’s university at the University of Žilina endeavours to conduce to solving a particularly important public problem – the increase of education level of the nation with emphasis especially on the young generation to show the research and development importance for the future improvement of the society. In this paper we demonstrate, how we can use the frequency analysis for the demonstration and the motivation of the study of Physics (especially Acoustics) at every level of the school system. The computer analysis of recorded sounds enables us to collect some interesting physical information for children on the one hand, and for the students on the other hand. Using this analysis, the frequency characteristics of human and animal sounds can be determined.
Hockicko, P., Tarjányiová, G.: Popularizácia prírodovedných predmetov v čase mimoškolských aktivít realizovaných v rámci Žilinskej detskej univerzity, Zborník z konferencie Záujmová činnosť žiakov – stav, problémy, trendy, Prešov 2008, Katedra fyziky, FHPV PU v Prešove (2009) na CD, ISBN 978-80-8068-961-2
Cieľom príspevku je poukázať na súčasnú situáciu pri výučbe prírodovedných predmetov na ZŠ a na možnosti ako tento stav pozitívne ovplyvniť realizovaním mimoškolských aktivít. Z dotazníkov vyhodnotených v rámci Žilinskej detskej univerzity v rokoch 2005-2008 vyplynulo, že deti preukazujú prirodzenú túžbu po hre a experimentálnej činnosti. Vhodnou voľbou experimentov možno deti motivovať k samostatnej činnosti a k záujmu o prírodovedné predmety.
Tarjányiová, G., Hockicko, P.: Formovanie fyzikálneho povedomia detí už od prvých ročníkov základnej školy, Zborník referátov zo XVI. medzinárodnej konferencie DIDFYZ 2008, Račkova dolina 2008, Fakulta prírodných vied Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa a Pobočka JSMF v Nitre (2009), 459 - 464, ISBN 978-80-8094-496-4
The aim of the contribution is to point out the possibility of forming the children’s physical view of the world’s functioning during the first years at primary school. Children can be spirited away by interactive experiments during which they play and develop their skills at the same time. By offering the proper experiments one can early form a positive relationship of children to natural sciences, experimental activities, gaining new knowledge and technology, as well.
Hockicko, P., Tarjányiová, G., Müllerová, J.: How to attract the interest of school-age children in science, Proceedings of 16-th Conference of Czech and Slovak Physicists, September 8-11, 2008, Hradec Králové (2009), 394-399, ISBN 80-86148-93-9
It is necessary to teach young people how to think and not only to absorb presented knowledge. It is necessary to reduce the quantity of encyclopaedic knowledge and to underline the requirement of knowledge depth and creative mind, too. The Children’s university at the University of Zilina endeavours to conduce to solving an extra important public problem – increase of education level of the nation with emphasis especially on young generation to show research and development importance for the future public improvement. The basic aim of the children’s university is to command attention of the school age children on technical science, to eliminate respect of subjects as math, physic and so on, and bring them near the meaning of research and the application of its results in everyday life. This paper informs about the “holiday studying” organized during the summer holiday at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Zilina by University educationists.
Hockicko, P., Tarjányiová, G.: A way how the interest in studying physics and technology can be increased, Proceedings of the SEFI Conference Physics Teaching in Engineering Education PTEE 2009, Institute of Physics, Wroclaw University of Technology (2009), 189–192, ISBN 978-83-929400-0-5
If the teaching process is changed using experiments, information and communication technologies (ICT), interactive lectures, more children like the natural sciences subjects in comparison with normal class work. And this is the basic way how to build in the students positive relation to the future study of physics and technology – to inspirit and to motivate a young people to be interested in science. One of the innovating learning activities of pupils is the Children’s University. The purpose of the Children's Universities is to awaken the interest and the enthusiasm of children and young people, to increase knowledge about science and to promote the interest in science, to improve face to face contact of children and scientists. In order to enhance the existing Children's Universities and their further growth throughout Europe, the EUCU.NET (European Children’s Universities Network) has been established this year. Other possibility to increase the interest of students in studying physics is to apply nontraditional lecture forms using ICT.
Hockicko, P.: Useful computer software for physical analysis of processes, Proceedings of the 2009 Information and Communication Technology in Education (ICTE) Annual Conference, 15th – 17th September 2009, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, 103-107, ISBN 978-80-7368-459-4
This paper gives a short account about the role of multimedia in developing the student imagination and thinking. Using information and communication technologies (ICT) in physics education can help to increase the effectivity of the teaching process. The real life situations are analyzed as physical problems. Some computer programs help to simplify studying and to calculate some physical quantities. For students, the physical analysis using computer programs is more demonstrative, learning physical equations is quicker, understanding of the physical laws is easier. The control of some programs isn’t demanding – it is suitable for pupils at the primary and grammar schools, too.
Hockicko, P., Sidor, P. Bury, P., Jamnický, I., Bellan, I.: Acoustic investigation of interface states of MOS structures with ultrathin SiO2 layers, Proceedings of the scientific conference Physics of Materials '09, 14th – 16th October 2009, Technical university Košice, 127-130, ISBN 978-80-8086-122-3
The interfaces of MOS (metal–oxide–semiconductor) structures with ultrathin silicon dioxide (SiO2) layers formed on Si substrate with nitric acid have been investigated using both acoustic deep-level transient spectroscopy (A-DLTS) and Uac0 (VG) dependences to characterize the interface states. The methods are based on the acoustoelectric response signal (ARS) observed on the interface when hf longitudinal wave propagates through the structures. The ARS is extremely sensitive to external conditions and reflects any changes in the charge distribution connected also with charged traps. The MOS structures were investigated using acoustic techniques to find the interface states and their distribution after post-oxidation annealing (POA) and/or post-metallization annealing (PMA) treatment on the interface-state occurrence and distribution. The evident decreases of interface states and shift of their activation energies in the structures with PMA treatment in comparison with POA treatment were observed in the investigated structures. The activation energies and some other parameters of traps at the insulator – semiconductor interface were determined.
Hockicko, P., Bury, P., Sidor, P.: Analysis of A-DLTS spectra of MOS structures with ultrathin NAOS SiO2/Si layers, Extended abstract book: Progress in Applied Surface, Interface and Thin Film Science 2009. SURFINT-SREN II, 116-117, ISBN 978-80-223-2723-7
The nitrid acid (HNO3) oxidation of Si (NAOS) is unique method for preparation ultrathin silicon dioxide (SiO2) layers with excellent electrical characteristics by immersion of Si in nitric acid solution. The chemical SiO2 layers formed in HNO3 were found to have the lowest interface state density. When postoxidation annealing (POA) or postmetallization annealing (PMA) treatment is preformed in a hydrogen atmosphere after the aluminum (Al) deposition, the leakage current density of the NAOS oxide layer is further decrease.
Acoustic version of Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (A-DLTS) is high-frequency ultrasonic method based on analysis the acoustoelectric response signal (ARS) produced by MOS structure interface when a longitudinal acoustic wave propagates through a structure after applied bias voltage steps to the structure. The ARS is extremely sensitive to external conditions of the structure and reflects any changes in the charge distribution connected with charged traps...
Hockicko, P.: Role of the Children’s Universities in Innovative Learning Activities, Moderní trendy v přípravě učitelů fyziky 4, Moderní prostředky a metody výuky fyziky, sborník konference, 2009, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 111-113, ISBN 978-80-7043-785-8
This paper informs about one of the innovative learning activities organized for the elementary school children by scientists, researchers and university educationists – the Children’s University. During the summer holiday the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Žilina organizes every year since 2005 the Children’s University of Žilina. For consolidation of the existing Children's Universities and enhancement of their further growth throughout Europe, EUCU.NET (European Children’s Universities Network) was established in this year. The purpose of the Children's Universities is to awaken the interest and the enthusiasm of children and young people, to increase knowledge about science and to promote the interest in science, to improve face to face contact of children and scientists.
Hockicko, P.: Detské univerzity ako inovatívne výučbové aktivity, Zborník príspevkov z konferencie Festival fyziky 2009 - Tvorivý učiteľ fyziky II, Kongresové centrum SAV Smolenice, 19. - 22. 4. 2009, Vydala Slovenská fyzikálna spoločnosť, 23-26, ISBN 978-80-969124-8-3
Cieľom detských univerzít (DU) je skvalitniť predovšetkým kontakt vedcov a výskumníkov s mladými ľuďmi a so širokou verejnosťou. V tomto zmysle už viac ako 100 európskych univerzít a inštitúcií začalo s organizovaním týchto aktivít. Dlhodobý cieľ DU je vzbudiť záujem a entuziazmus detí a mladých ľudí o vedu a otázky týkajúce sa jej rozvoja. Inovátorstvom je fakt, že sa univerzity špeciálne zamerali na záujmy detí a mladých ľudí (8 ročných a starších). Kvôli konsolidácia existujúcich detských univerzít a pre pozdvihnutie ich budúceho rastu v celej Európe vznikla sieť EUCU.NET – European Children’s Universities Network, ktorej členom je aj Žilinská detská univerzita (ŽDU). Jej snahou je spojiť už existujúce postupy za účelom úspešného dosiahnutia vytýčených cieľov a taktiež zvýšiť interakciu medzi členmi DU z iných oblastí a štátov pri uplatňovaní profesionálnych a spoločných postupov a metód.