Prehľad publikovaných článkov:
Bury, P. - Jamnický, I. - Jamnický, M. - Hockicko, P.: Acoustic Investigation of Ion Conductive Glasses. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress on Acoustics, Rome, Sept 2-7, 2001, Vol. II, p. 152.
A considerable attention is given to materials with the fast ion transport called solid electrolytes because of the possibility of their application in modern electromechanical devices. While many known crystalline materials with the ability of fast ion transport have the limiting factor of their application in the achievement of requested structural parameters ensuring the high ion conductivity, the ion conductive glasses have several advantages the most important of which are: the absence of grain boundaries, the isotropic properties and the composition variability. The acoustical methods have been proved an effective tool to study the fundamental structural and mechanical properties of the ionic materials and can also significantly contribute to find the fundamental experimental knowledge’s about the mechanical properties of the new kinds of ion conductive glasses and determine their relationship with the electrical ones. In the present contribution we have illustrated the coherence between the acoustical and electrical properties of ion conductive glasses of the system CuI-Cu2O-(P2O5+M0O3). The both acoustic and electrical measurements are also utilised to the study of relaxation processes occurring in these ion conductive glasses and to the ion activation energies determination.
Hockicko, P. - Bury, P.: Využitie akustoelektrického javu na svetlom generovanom rozhraní vo vysokoodporových polovodičoch k štúdiu hlbokých centier. Zborník príspevkov z 12. konferencie slovenských fyzikov, Smolenice, 3. - 5. september 2001, s. 98 - 99.
Akustoelektrický jav pozorovaný na svetlom generovanom rozhraní vo vysokoodporovom polovodiči sa môže využívať k štúdiu hlbokých centier vo vysokoodporových polovodičoch [1]. V prípade vysokoodporového GaAs svetlom vytvorená nehomogenita priestorového náboja môže generovať za vhodných podmienok v závislosti na geometrickom usporiadaní vzorky akustickú vlnu. Amplitúda takto generovanej akustickej vlny závisí okrem iného aj na koncentrácii voľných nosičov náboja excitovaných z hlbokých centier na rozhraní medzi osvetlenou a neosvetlenou časťou polovodiča. Ukazuje sa, že rôzne akustické vlny neinteragujú s daným rozhraním rovnako, čo v spojení s technikou akustickej tranzientnej spektroskopie [2] môže poskytnúť dodatočnú informáciu o charaktere hlbokých centier. V príspevku sú prezentované výsledky získané na vysokoodporovom GaAs využitím generácie pozdĺžnej, priečnej a povrchovej akustickej vlny.
[1] P. Bury: Proc. 16 th Int. Congress on Acoustics, Vol. I, Seattle 1998, p 431.
[2] P. Bury, I. Jamnický: acta phys. slovaca 46, (1996) 693.
Jamnický, I. - Bury, P. - Jamnický, M. - Hockicko, P.: Correlation between Electrical and Acoustical Properties of Ion Conductive Glasses. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Applied Physics of Condensed Matter, Liptovský Mikuláš - Demänovská Dolina, 17. - 19. September 2001, p. 89 - 92.
In recent years, the technological interest in fast ionic conductivity in solid materials is increased for various solid-state electrochemical devices. While many known crystalline materials with the ability of fast ion transport have the limiting factor of their application in the achievement of requested structural parameters ensuring the high ion conductivity, the ion conductive glasses have several advantages the most important of which are: the absence of grain boundaries, the isotropic properties and the composition variability easy preparation, their stability and the large available composition ranges. The acoustical methods have been proved an effective tool to study the fundamental structural and mechanical properties of the ionic materials and can also significantly contribute to find the fundamental experimental knowledge’s about the mechanical properties of the new kinds of ion conductive glasses and determine their relationship with the electrical ones. In the present contribution we have presented acoustic facilities and illustrated the possible coherence between the acoustical and electrical properties of ion conductive glasses of the system CuI-Cu2O-(P2O5+M0O3).
Hockicko, P. - Bury, P. - Jamnický, I. - Jamnický, M.: Akustické vlastnosti iónovo vodivých skiel. Zborník príspevkov zo 6. medzinárodného koloquia Acoustics '01, Zvolen-Banská Štiavnica, 19. - 22. september 2001, s. 17-19.
V posledných rokoch rastie technologický záujem o iónovú vodivosť v pevných látkach pre ich možné aplikácie v moderných elektromechanických zariadeniach. Zatiaľ čo viaceré známe kryštalické materiály so schopnosťou rýchleho iónového prenosu majú limitované použitie, iónovo vodivé sklá majú niekoľko predností: izotropné vlastnosti a štrukturálna premennosť, absentujú rozhranie zŕn, jednoduchá príprava, stabilita a veľká využiteľnosť. Akustické metódy sa osvedčili ako efektívny nástroj štúdia základných štrukturálnych a mechanických vlastností iónových materiálov a môžu byť dôležitým príspevkom k nájdeniu základných experimentálnych znalostí o mechanických vlastnostiach nových druhov iónovo vodivých skiel a určeniu vzájomného vzťahu s elektrickými vlastnosťami. V predloženom príspevku prezentujeme akustické vlastnosti a ilustrujeme vzájomnú súvislosť medzi akustickými a elektrickými vlastnosťami iónovo vodivých skiel systému CuI-Cu2O-(P2O5+M0O3). Akustické a elektrické merania sú tiež využité k štúdiu uvoľňovacích mechanizmov v iónovo vodivých sklách a zisteniu aktivačnej energie.
Key words: Solid electrolytes; Fast ion transport; Cu+- ion conductive glasses; Relationship between the acoustical and electrical properties
Bury, P. - Hockicko, P. - Jamnický, M. - Jamnický, I.: Study of Mechanisms of Ion Transport in Ion Conducting Glasses. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Applied Physics of Condensed Matter, Liptovský Mikuláš - Demänovská Dolina, June 19th - 21th, 2002, p. 145 - 150.
In the past twenty years, there has been an increase of interest in ion conductive glasses and their possible future practical application. Comparing with the crystalline materials the ionic glasses has several advantages the most important of which are: the absence of grain boundaries, the isotropic properties and the composition variability. The electrical methods have been already proved an effective tool to study the fundamental transport properties of the ionic materials and the conductivity measurements made over a wide range of frequencies and temperatures can characterise different types of transport mechanisms. The purpose of present work is to compare data obtained by electrical measurement (dc and ac conductivity) of ion conductive glasses of the system CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-(P2O5+M0O3) for different glass composition and study the ionic hopping motion and relaxation processes connected with the charge mobility. Partial attention is paid also to the problem of the role of composition in this system.
Bury, P. - Hockicko, P. - Jamnický, M. - Jamnický, I.: Acoustic Properties of Ion Conductive Glasses in the System CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-(P2O5+MoO3). Proceedings of the 32nd International Acoustical Conference - European Acoustics Association (EAA) Symposium "ACOUSTICS BANSKÁ ŠTIAVNICA 2002" September 10 - 12, 2002, p. 67 - 70.
The technological interest in fast ionic conductivity in solid materials is increased for various solid state electrochemical devices. Apart from some crystalline materials, the high ionic conductivity at room temperature has been observed in some ion conducting glasses. Comparing with the crystalline materials the ion conductive glasses have several advantages the most important of which are: the absence of grain boundaries, the isotropic properties and the composition variability. The acoustical methods have been already proved an effective tool to study the fundamental structural and mechanical properties of the ionic materials and can also significantly contribute to the fundamental experimental knowledge about the mechanical properties of the new kinds of ion conductive glasses and to the determination of their relationship with the electrical ones. In the present contribution we have illustrated the possible relation between the acoustical and electrical properties of ion conductive glasses of the system CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-(P2O5+MoO3) for different glass composition. The both acoustical and electrical measurements are also utilized to the study of relaxation processes occurring in these fast ion conductive glasses and to the ion activation energy determination.
Bury, P. - Hockicko, P. - Rampton, V. W.: Acoustic Investigation of Optically Induced Deep Centers in GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures. Proceedings of the 3RD International Workshop on Solid State Surface and Interfaces (SSSI) III, Smolenice Castle, November 19 - 21, 2002, p. 72 - 73,
Physica Slovaca 53 (2003) 189
The acoustoelectric interaction between a longitudinal acoustic wave and heterojunctions is used to investigate the deep centers in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures. The acoustoelectric response generated by the interface when acoustic wave propagates through the heterostructure reflects any changes in the charge distribution, connected also with the charged traps. The time developments of the acoustoelectric response after an optical excitation pulse reflect then relaxation processes associated with the thermal recombination of excited carriers moving towards their equilibrium state. The measured signal that is proportional to the nonequilibrium carrier density in the interface regions and can be used to the determination of activation energy and corresponding cross-section of deep centers. Planar GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures with both two dimensional electron system (2 DES) and two dimensional hole system (2 DHS) were investigated by optically induced acoustic deep-level transient spectroscopy (OI A-DLTS). The method of computer evaluation of isothermal acoustoelectric transients was used in the A-DLTS technique. Several deep centers were found and their parameters were determined.
Hockicko, P. - Bury, P. - Jamnický, M. - Jamnický, I.: Study of Mixed Cation Effect in Ion Conductivity Glasses Using Electrical Conductivity Spectra. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Applied Physics of Condensed Matter, Malá Lučivná, June 11- 13, 2003, p. 174 - 178.
The acoustical and electrical methods have been already proved to be an effective tool for studying the fundamental structural, mechanical and also transport of the ionic materials. Thus we can determine the relationship between mechanical and electrical properties of the new kinds of ion conductive glasses. In the contribution we present both the data obtained by electrical measurement ( and a.c. conductivity) and acoustical measurement (acoustical attenuation) of ion conductive glasses of the system CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-P2O5 for different glass composition and outline the possible relation between its acoustical and electrical properties. The expected mixed cation effect in the electrical conductivity and acoustical attenuation spectra of several systems of CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-P2O5 that differ by the concentration of its components ion conductivity glasses is identified and their interrelation is analyzed. We observe characteristic effects in frequency response of the complex electrical conductivity and in the magnitudes of acoustic attenuation.
Bury, P. - Jamnický, I. - Hockicko, P.: Acoustoelectric investigation of deep centers in bulk and multilayered semiconductors Komunikácie / Communications - Vedecké listy Žilinskej Univerzity / Scientific letters of the University of Žilina 2/2003, EDIS Žilina, s. 5 - 13.
Two basic versions of the acoustic deep-level transient spectroscopy (A-DLTS) technique based on the acoustoelectric effect resulting from the interaction between an acoustic wave and interfaces have been used to study deep centers in semiconductor structures. The former uses the high frequency transverse acoustoelectric signal (TAS) arising from the interaction of surface acoustic wave electric field and free carriers at the structure interfaces. The latter uses an acoustoelectric response signal (ARS) produced by the structure interface when a longitudinal acoustic wave propagates through the structure. An additional version of A-DLTS uses the acoustoelectric effect on light beam generated interface in high resistivity and along with photosensitive semiconductors. Planar Si MIS structure and GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure capacitors and high resistivity GaAs were investigated by these versions of the A-DLTS technique. Several deep centers were found and their activation energies and corresponding cross-sections determined. Both the appearance of some A-DLTS peaks and the shift of practically all peaks of the A-DLTS spectra with increasing bias voltage in investigated structures can be considered to be the characteristic features of interface states. The polarization and the propagation direction of acoustic waves generated on the light beam produced interface appears as important condition of detected deep centers.
Hockicko, P. - Bury, P. - Jamnický, M. - Jamnický, I.: Contribution of Acoustic Spectroscopy to Understanding of Transport Mechanisms in Fast Ion Conductive Glasses. Proceedings of the 7th International Colloquium ACOUSTIC '03, Zvolen - Šachtičky, September 4 - 5, 2003, p. 15 - 18.
The acoustical methods have been proved as an effective tool for studying the fundamental structural and mechanical properties of the ionic materials and can also significantly contribute to finding the fundamental experimental knowledge about the transport mechanisms of the new kinds of ion conductive glasses and determine their relationship with the electrical ones. In this contribution we present results of acoustical investigation of ion conductive glasses of the system CuI-CuBr-Cu2O-(P2O5+M0O3) with different composition of glass samples measured at various frequencies and wide temperature range. The possible coherence between the acoustical and electrical properties is illustrated, too.